use rusqlite::{named_params, Connection, Result, NO_PARAMS}; use std::error::Error; use std::fs::File; use std::io::BufReader; use xml::reader::{EventReader, ParserConfig, XmlEvent}; use zip::{read::ZipFile, ZipArchive}; fn get_root_file(container: ZipFile) -> Result, Box> { let parser = EventReader::new(container); for e in parser { match e { Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { name, attributes, .. }) if name.local_name == "rootfile" => { for attr in attributes { if == "full-path" { return Ok(Some(attr.value)); } } } Err(e) => { return Err(Box::new(e)); } _ => {} } } Ok(None) } fn get_attribute_file_as(opf: ZipFile) -> Option { let parser = ParserConfig::new() .trim_whitespace(true) .ignore_comments(true) .coalesce_characters(true) .create_reader(opf); let mut refines_found = false; let mut is_epub3 = false; let mut creator_id = String::new(); for e in parser { match e { Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { name, attributes, .. }) if name.local_name == "package" => { for attr in attributes { if == "version" { if attr.value.starts_with("3") == true { is_epub3 = true; } } } } Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { name, attributes, .. }) if name.local_name == "creator" => { for attr in attributes { if == "file-as" { println!("File-as: {}", &attr.value); return Some(attr.value); } if is_epub3 && == "id" { creator_id = attr.value; } } } Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { name, attributes, .. }) if name.local_name == "meta" => { if attributes.iter().any(|attr| { == "refines" && (attr.value == creator_id || attr.value == "#".to_owned() + creator_id.as_str()) }) && attributes .iter() .any(|attr| == "property" && attr.value == "file-as") { refines_found = true; } } Ok(XmlEvent::Characters(value)) => { if refines_found == true { return Some(value); } } Ok(XmlEvent::StartElement { .. }) => { if refines_found == true { refines_found = false; } } Err(_e) => { break; } _ => {} } } None } struct BookEntry { id: i32, filepath: String, } fn main() { let mut conn = Connection::open("/mnt/ext1/system/explorer-3/explorer-3.db").unwrap(); let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); { let mut stmt = tx.prepare("SELECT id FROM books_impl WHERE ext LIKE 'epub' AND author LIKE '% %' AND (firstauthor NOT LIKE '%\\,%' ESCAPE '\\' OR firstauthor LIKE '%&%')").unwrap(); let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap(); let mut book_ids: Vec = Vec::new(); while let Some(row) = { book_ids.push(row.get(0).unwrap()); } let mut bookentries = Vec::new(); for book_id in book_ids { let mut stmt = tx.prepare("SELECT,files.filename FROM files,folders WHERE files.book_id = :book_id AND files.storageid = 1 AND files.folder_id =").unwrap(); let mut rows = stmt .query_named(named_params! { ":book_id": book_id }) .unwrap(); while let Some(row) = { let prefix: String = row.get(0).unwrap(); let filename: String = row.get(1).unwrap(); let filepath = format!("{}/{}", prefix, filename); bookentries.push(BookEntry { id: book_id, filepath: filepath, }); } } //println!("Number of entries found: {}", bookentries.len()); for entry in bookentries { let file = File::open(entry.filepath.as_str()); let file = match file { Err(_) => continue, Ok(file) => file, }; let mut archive = ZipArchive::new(BufReader::new(file)).unwrap(); let container = archive.by_name("META-INF/container.xml").unwrap(); if let Some(opf_file) = get_root_file(container).unwrap() { let opf = archive.by_name(opf_file.as_str()).unwrap(); if let Some(file_as) = get_attribute_file_as(opf) { let mut stmt = tx .prepare("UPDATE books_impl SET firstauthor = :file_as WHERE id = :book_id") .unwrap(); stmt.execute_named(named_params![":file_as": file_as, ":book_id":]) .unwrap(); } } } } tx.commit().unwrap(); }