mod epub; mod pocketbook; use rusqlite::{named_params, Connection, Transaction, NO_PARAMS}; use std::usize; struct BookEntry { id: i32, filepath: String, author: String, firstauthor: String, has_drm: bool, genre: String, first_author_letter: String, } fn get_epubs_from_database(tx: &Transaction) -> Vec { let mut book_entries = Vec::new(); let mut stmt = tx .prepare( r#" SELECT,, files.filename, books.firstauthor,,, first_author_letter FROM books_impl books JOIN files ON = files.book_id JOIN folders ON = files.folder_id LEFT OUTER JOIN booktogenre btg ON = btg.bookid LEFT OUTER JOIN genres ON = btg.genreid WHERE files.storageid = 1 AND books.ext = 'epub' ORDER BY"#, ) .unwrap(); let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap(); while let Some(row) = { let book_id: i32 = row.get(0).unwrap(); let prefix: String = row.get(1).unwrap(); let filename: String = row.get(2).unwrap(); let filepath = format!("{}/{}", prefix, filename); let firstauthor: String = row.get(3).unwrap(); let author: String = row.get(4).unwrap(); let has_drm = match prefix.as_str() { "/mnt/ext1/Digital Editions" => true, _ => false, }; let genre: String = row.get(5).unwrap_or_default(); let first_author_letter = row.get(6).unwrap_or_default(); let entry = BookEntry { id: book_id, filepath, firstauthor, author, has_drm, genre, first_author_letter, }; book_entries.push(entry); } book_entries } fn remove_ghost_books_from_db(tx: &Transaction) -> usize { let mut stmt = tx .prepare( r#" DELETE FROM books_impl WHERE id IN ( SELECT FROM books_impl books LEFT OUTER JOIN files ON = files.book_id WHERE files.filename is NULL )"#, ) .unwrap(); let num = stmt.execute(NO_PARAMS).unwrap(); tx.execute( r#"DELETE FROM books_settings WHERE bookid NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM books_impl )"#, NO_PARAMS, ) .unwrap(); tx.execute( r#"DELETE FROM books_uids WHERE book_id NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM books_impl )"#, NO_PARAMS, ) .unwrap(); tx.execute( r#"DELETE FROM bookshelfs_books WHERE bookid NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM books_impl )"#, NO_PARAMS, ) .unwrap(); tx.execute( r#"DELETE FROM booktogenre WHERE bookid NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM books_impl )"#, NO_PARAMS, ) .unwrap(); tx.execute( r#"DELETE FROM social WHERE bookid NOT IN ( SELECT id FROM books_impl )"#, NO_PARAMS, ) .unwrap(); num } struct Statistics { authors_fixed: i32, ghost_books_cleaned: usize, drm_skipped: usize, genres_fixed: usize, sorting_fixed: usize, } impl Statistics { fn anything_fixed(&self) -> bool { &self.authors_fixed > &0 || &self.genres_fixed > &0 || &self.ghost_books_cleaned > &0 || &self.sorting_fixed > &0 } } fn fix_db_entries(tx: &Transaction, book_entries: &Vec) -> Statistics { let mut stat = Statistics { authors_fixed: 0, ghost_books_cleaned: 0, drm_skipped: 0, genres_fixed: 0, sorting_fixed: 0, }; for entry in book_entries { if entry.has_drm { stat.drm_skipped = stat.drm_skipped + 1; continue; } if let Some(epub_metadata) = epub::get_epub_metadata(&entry.filepath) { // Fix firstauthor… let mut firstauthors = epub_metadata .authors .iter() .filter(|aut| aut.firstauthor.len() > 0) .map(|aut| aut.firstauthor.clone()) .collect::>(); firstauthors.sort(); if !firstauthors.iter().all(|s| entry.firstauthor.contains(s)) { let mut stmt = tx .prepare("UPDATE books_impl SET firstauthor = :file_as WHERE id = :book_id") .unwrap(); stmt.execute_named( named_params![":file_as": firstauthors.join(" & "), ":book_id":], ) .unwrap(); stat.authors_fixed = stat.authors_fixed + 1; } // Fix first_author_letter let first_author_letter = firstauthors .join(" & ") .chars() .next() .unwrap_or_default() .to_string() .to_uppercase(); if entry.first_author_letter != first_author_letter { let mut stmt = tx .prepare("UPDATE books_impl SET first_author_letter = :first_letter WHERE id = :book_id") .unwrap(); stmt.execute_named( named_params![":first_letter": first_author_letter,":book_id":], ) .unwrap(); stat.sorting_fixed = stat.sorting_fixed + 1; } // Fix author names… let authornames = epub_metadata .authors .iter() .map(|aut| .collect::>(); if !authornames.iter().all(|s| { let mut stmt = tx .prepare("UPDATE books_impl SET author = :authors WHERE id = :book_id") .unwrap(); stmt.execute_named( named_params![":authors": authornames.join(", "), ":book_id":], ) .unwrap(); stat.authors_fixed = stat.authors_fixed + 1; } // Fix genre… if entry.genre.is_empty() && epub_metadata.genre.len() > 0 { let mut stmt = tx .prepare(r#"INSERT INTO genres (name) SELECT :genre ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"#) .unwrap(); stmt.execute_named(named_params![":genre": &epub_metadata.genre]) .unwrap(); let mut stmt = tx .prepare( r#" INSERT INTO booktogenre (bookid, genreid) VALUES (:bookid, (SELECT id FROM genres WHERE name = :genre) ) ON CONFLICT DO NOTHING"#, ) .unwrap(); stmt.execute_named( named_params![":bookid": &, ":genre": &epub_metadata.genre], ) .unwrap(); stat.genres_fixed = stat.genres_fixed + 1; } } } // ghost books let num = remove_ghost_books_from_db(tx); stat.ghost_books_cleaned = num; stat } fn main() { if cfg!(target_arch = "arm") { let res = pocketbook::dialog( pocketbook::Icon::None, "PocketBook has sometimes problems parsing metadata.\n\ This app tries to fix some of these issues.\n\ (Note: The database file explore-3.db will be altered!)\n\ \n\ Please be patient - this might take a while.\n\ You will see a blank screen during the process.\n\ \n\ Proceed?", &["Cancel", "Yes"], ); if res == 1 { return; } } let mut conn = Connection::open("/mnt/ext1/system/explorer-3/explorer-3.db").unwrap(); conn.execute("PRAGMA foreign_keys = 0", NO_PARAMS).unwrap(); let tx = conn.transaction().unwrap(); let book_entries = get_epubs_from_database(&tx); let stat = fix_db_entries(&tx, &book_entries); tx.commit().unwrap(); if cfg!(target_arch = "arm") { if stat.anything_fixed() == false { if stat.drm_skipped == 0 { pocketbook::dialog( pocketbook::Icon::Info, "The database seems to be ok.\n\ Nothing had to be fixed.", &["OK"], ); } else { pocketbook::dialog( pocketbook::Icon::Info, &format!( "The database seems to be ok.\n\ Nothing had to be fixed.\n\ (Books skipped (DRM): {})", &stat.drm_skipped ), &["OK"], ); } } else { pocketbook::dialog( pocketbook::Icon::Info, &format!( "Authors fixed: {}\n\ Sorting fixed: {}\n\ Genres fixed: {}\n\ Books skipped (DRM): {}\n\ Books cleaned from DB: {}", &stat.authors_fixed, &stat.sorting_fixed, &stat.genres_fixed, &stat.drm_skipped, &stat.ghost_books_cleaned ), &["OK"], ); } } else { println!( "Authors fixed: {}\n\ Sorting fixed: {}\n\ Genres fixed: {}\n\ Books skipped (DRM): {}\n\ Books cleaned from DB: {}", &stat.authors_fixed, &stat.sorting_fixed, &stat.genres_fixed, &stat.drm_skipped, &stat.ghost_books_cleaned ); } }