Bumbling SQL query improved.

This commit is contained in:
Martin Brodbeck 2021-01-30 17:34:01 +01:00
parent 8fac614905
commit 3f5d790d3c

View file

@ -60,7 +60,6 @@ fn get_attribute_file_as(opf: ZipFile) -> Option<String> {
}) if name.local_name == "creator" => {
for attr in attributes {
if attr.name.local_name == "file-as" {
println!("File-as: {}", &attr.value);
return Some(attr.value);
if is_epub3 && attr.name.local_name == "id" {
@ -120,40 +119,33 @@ fn main() {
// Get book ids from entries where we have something like "firstname lastname" in author
// but no "lastname, firstname" in fistauthor
let mut stmt = tx.prepare("SELECT id FROM books_impl WHERE ext LIKE 'epub' AND author LIKE '% %' AND (firstauthor NOT LIKE '%\\,%' ESCAPE '\\' OR firstauthor LIKE '%&amp;%')").unwrap();
let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
let mut book_ids: Vec<i32> = Vec::new();
while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
// Get also book ids from the special case where we have multiple authors (separated by ", " in authors)
// but no ampersand ("&") in firstauthor
let mut stmt = tx.prepare("SELECT id FROM books_impl WHERE ext LIKE 'epub' AND author LIKE '%\\, %' ESCAPE '\\' AND firstauthor NOT LIKE '%&%'").unwrap();
let mut stmt = tx.prepare(r"
SELECT files.book_id, folders.name, files.filename
FROM files INNER JOIN folders
ON files.folder_id = folders.id
WHERE files.book_id IN
WHERE (ext LIKE 'epub' AND author LIKE '% %' AND (firstauthor NOT LIKE '%\,%' ESCAPE '\' OR firstauthor LIKE '%&amp;%'))
OR (ext LIKE 'epub' AND author LIKE '%\, %' ESCAPE '\' AND firstauthor NOT LIKE '%&%')
AND files.storageid = 1
let mut rows = stmt.query(NO_PARAMS).unwrap();
while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
let mut bookentries = Vec::new();
for book_id in book_ids {
let mut stmt = tx.prepare("SELECT folders.name,files.filename FROM files,folders WHERE files.book_id = :book_id AND files.storageid = 1 AND files.folder_id = folders.id").unwrap();
let mut rows = stmt
.query_named(named_params! { ":book_id": book_id })
while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
let prefix: String = row.get(0).unwrap();
let filename: String = row.get(1).unwrap();
let filepath = format!("{}/{}", prefix, filename);
bookentries.push(BookEntry {
id: book_id,
filepath: filepath,
while let Some(row) = rows.next().unwrap() {
let book_id: i32 = row.get(0).unwrap();
let prefix: String = row.get(1).unwrap();
let filename: String = row.get(2).unwrap();
let filepath = format!("{}/{}", prefix, filename);
bookentries.push(BookEntry {
id: book_id,
for entry in bookentries {